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For a Handful of Sheep is a short film that emerged after the post-traumatic experience of the first Image Theory exam. It’s a western, a bit quirky. Although at first I had planned to do, as my grandmother says "one of the west" with Indians and cowboys, with a strong  influence  Fordian, I finally decided to set it in Catalonia, and change cowboys for farmers, turning the project  in which  it is known as a "bread with western tomato". I found it attractive that the context revolved around the first years of the nineteenth century, the Catalonia of bandits and the constant conflicts in rural areas. This is the practice with the  premise  of external conflict. In this case, two farmers who have lost their sheep  with which  his landowner (The "Blond") wants to do business.

Although the script was about eight pages long,  vam  decide to shoot the first four in favor of being able to work the characters better. In fact  vam  do two previous rehearsal sessions to be able to  matissar  and create a  background  (at the  being two brothers had to build a past) and set certain rules of what the characters can and cannot do. The conditions  lights  they were also an important factor in this decision. How  we were rolling  in the winter (mid-February) the sun was going down quite early and we didn’t get the numbers to roll so many pages.

In the  preproduction  of the short, I personally took care of the production, getting the casting and localization. I contacted the two actors via the AADPC  after having sent casting for different platforms. The character who plays the deceased was an actor  with which  had worked previously. I go too  achieve  a permit to shoot on the small lake of Terrassa, though  the first option  had been rolling at the top of La Mola. The production management was in charge of the Marina Figueres which organized the transport, the diets and especially to communicate to all the hikers who passed by the area that was being rolled out distributing a lot of posters around the perimeter.

Art was very important, it had to be believable and I’m pretty into it  proud  of the result. Of this  s'en  commissioned the  Ruth  Recasens who got the clothing and was responsible for building the (with bamboo canes and aluminum bars) the  bunk bed  where the  protagonists  they carry the dead. Thanks to a friend  watchmaker  vam  to be able to get a vintage pocket watch.

The  direction  of  photography  was done by Pere and Mar Vidal whom I forced to see all the references I had, among which were mainly Howard's Red River  Hawks  and the  trilogy  from  dollar  of  Sergio  Leone. The first  film  it was a more conceptual reference  (  there is a journey that the characters make  at the  moving a herd from Texas to Kansas) and the second referent is purely visual. Especially for the  typology  of plans he uses that at the same time mark a certain rhythm. For me it was important to look at games, and  psychological  that help  dilate  the weather. I wanted to  from  the first of which is palpating a constant tension in the environment. On the other hand between  direction, assistant director (Iván  Osuna) i  photography,  vam  having to think very carefully about the time there was for each plan  Because of  constant change of light. Keeping the light record was quite a challenge. To give one  look  older and for  remetre  in the cinema he had as a reference  vam  decide  use  analog optics to give the "look" of those first low-budget westerns that were shot in Spain in the mid-60s (for example the  trilogy  from  dollar).

In the shooting no  there was  many  complications. Perhaps the most annoying was the  sound, as sometimes background  is  could  feel hikers.  We had  to stop, to warn that it was rolling and to roll again. This made us waste a lot of time, not power  rehearse  both to seven (for  sort  we had  could do the  week  previous) i  vam  having to cut dialogues.  Even so  it gave us time to shoot all that  was  planned. This gave me a production lesson.  Even if I had  a permit  had  had to  to have about four people who covered the perimeter to be able to intercept more efficiently the hikers and curious people who passed by.

While I’m generally happy with the result, I was able to  to find  a tone, and work with the actors,  I would have  liked  matissar  some moments in the acting  to further escalate the tension  Until  reach climax.  I regret it  also of not being able to be more precise or to be able to sharpen in the axis of glances and to have been able to work more the end, after the discussion. Another detail that follows me  stunning  is not to have shot one  plan  more open of the  Corpse  (very important element) which I think was very necessary.

This is an idea that by doing a little introspection  personally I have realized that it has its origin in the conflicts that we brothers constantly have, the  lies  that we hide and the truths that we tell ourselves and how sometimes despite making fun of us we end up forgiving ourselves.  Behind  this western there are experiences  personal  but that they become universal, in this case I do not mean the specific situation of the short film but the concept and essence of the situation, with which we can identify.


© 2019  by Max Calvera Vernet. Created with

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